Our Services.

Commercial Cleaning in Sussex

Discover exceptional commercial cleaning solutions tailored for businesses of all sizes. Guardswell Cleaning specialises in delivering comprehensive cleaning services that meet the unique needs of both small enterprises and large corporations.
A man using a commercial vacuum cleaner to clean a multi-coloured rug.
Commercial Cleaning Service.

Rely On Us For All Your Commercial Cleaning Needs

At Guardswell cleaning, we offer an extensive range of commercial cleaning services. Whether you have a small office in Seaford, a hotel in Alfriston or a restaurant in Eastbourne, we have the right service for you.

We provide regular cleaning services, giving you more time for the important tasks. From carpet and upholstery cleaning to keep your business looking fresh, to communal and common area cleaning to maintain cleanliness and hygiene, we ensure every part of your business stays spotless.

We also offer restoration and cleaning services for artificial grass, astroturf, and fake lawns. Whatever your needs, call now for a free, no-obligation quote.

A man using a floor vacuum on a wooden floor.

Discover Our High Quality Cleaning Solutions

We can provide references from recent satisfied customers to demonstrate the safety, strength, and effectiveness of our industry-leading cleaning solutions.

Your business can benefit from our comprehensive services, including regular cleaning, odour neutralisation, carpet cleaning, pesticide treatments, sanitising, upholstery cleaning, and more. All services are cost-effective - simply contact our team for a free quote.

contact us.

Call Now For
a Free Quote

Get in touch with us to book your free quotation.

A row of Cinema seats sitting next to each other.

Experience Our Bulk Cleaning Services

Guardswell Cleaning company is proud to serve businesses across Newhaven, Seaford, Eastbourne, Alfriston, Peacehaven, Lewes, and throughout East and West Sussex.

Contact us today to request a free, no-obligation quote for our bulk cleaning services and discover how we can help you maintain a clean and inviting environment for your customers and guests.

What We Do.

Services Tailored For You

At Guardswell Carpet Cleaning, we offer a comprehensive range of services to meet all your cleaning needs. Our professional and reliable team is dedicated to delivering outstanding results for various environments.

We utilise the latest cleaning techniques and eco-friendly products to ensure your spaces are not only clean but also safe for everyone who uses them. Whether you need regular maintenance or a one-time deep clean, we tailor our services to fit your specific requirements, ensuring maximum satisfaction.


Preview Of Our Work

Explore our gallery, to see the impressive results of our cleaning expertise.


What Our Customers Say